Health benefits of passion fruit

Health benefits of passion fruit

Boden Lam

Passion fruit is an exotic fruit that grows on the Passiflora vine in warm and humid climates. It has a tough outer texture and a soft and juicy seed-filled inside. The most common passion fruits are yellow and purple. The yellow ones come from Passiflora flavicarpa, while the purple fruits are from Passiflora edulis vines. Several health-conscious people include passion fruit in their meals as it comes packed with various health benefits.

Nutrition facts of the passion fruit
The top reason this fruit is famous is its excellent nutritional value. The nutrition of passion fruit depends on its fiber, vitamin C, and pro-vitamin A. Now, let us have a look at the nutrition elements present in one cup of the fruit.

  • Calories
    Calories are a significant part of a meal plan and you must have enough calories every day to stay fit. A cup of passion fruit contains approximately 229 calories.
  • Vitamins and minerals
    Passion fruit contains vitamins like A and C and minerals like iron, magnesium, and potassium. These nutrients are essential for good health. Very few fruits are packed with all such vitamins and minerals.
  • Carbohydrates
    You can find as much as 55 grams per cup of passion fruit. Half of these carbs come from fiber, and the other half comes from natural sugars.
  • Fats
    The presence of fat is the bare minimum in this fruit. A large cup of passion fruit only contains about 2 grams of fat.
  • Protein
    Adequate daily protein intake is essential to maintaining a healthy body and a cup of passion fruit contains 5.2 grams of protein. Passion fruit contains every essential nutrient in the required proportion and it is rare to find such a high nutritional value in a single fruit.

Benefits of passion fruit
Passion fruit has soft pulp and lots of seeds in the inside layer. It is known for its extensive health benefits, some of which are as follows:

  • Full of key nutrients
    Full-grown passion fruits contain all the top nutrients that the body requires, right from a range of nutrients from vitamins A and C to minerals like magnesium, iron, potassium, calcium, and fiber. These nutrients help keep the skin and eyesight better and improve the immune system.
  • Rich in antioxidants
    Antioxidants protect our body against free radicals – some unstable molecules that can damage the cells. Antioxidants like polyphenols protect us against chronic inflammation and heart disease. Beta carotene also minimizes the risk of cancer and increases eyesight.
  • Excellent source of fiber
    Passion fruit contains pulp that is full of fiber. It helps regulate the digestive system and prevent constipation and bowel disorders.
  • Minimum glycemic index
    Passion fruit contains a low glycemic index (GI) value, as a result, it doesn’t affect the rise of sugar levels in the blood. So, it is recommended for people with diabetes.
  • Minimizes the risk of cancer
    One of the significant benefits of passion fruit is its ability to minimize cancer risk. All the nutrients and minerals present in the fruit help prevent the development of cancer.
  • Promotes heart health
    This fruit contains potassium and sodium that can promote heart health. Passion fruit consumed with seeds can help eliminate the presence of cholesterol in the blood vessels. A high-fiber meal plan comprising this fruit can reduce the risk of heart diseases.
  • Controls anxiety
    Anxiety is one of the common conditions among several individuals. Passion fruit contains magnesium, which is known for decreasing stress and eliminating anxiety. Magnesium positively impacts the brain cells, which can keep the mood energized. The fruit also contains P. incarnata, known for relieving anxiety and calming the mind.

Different ways to eat passion fruit
While you can eat the fruit directly, you can use different passion fruit recipes to enjoy a good meal. You can eat the pulp and the seeds after peeling them from the rind with a spoon. You can make the following recipes with passion fruit.

  • Make passion fruit juice by mixing it with water and sugar.
  • Add passion fruit juice to other juices like pineapple or orange for a tangy mix.
  • Prepare yogurt with passion fruit juice and other fruits.
  • Make passion fruit syrup to use in other food items.
  • Passion fruit jam and jelly can be some great options.
  • Have oats with passion fruit as your morning breakfast.

While there are many common recipes you can try using passion fruit, you can consult a nutritionist for advice on different unique recipes to enjoy the fruit.

Passion fruit has become popular for its health benefits even though it may be tangy and sour. The antioxidant-rich fruit can be a healthy option for any time of the day.

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